This episode marks the end of two of the dopplegangers and a recurring guest star who brought the crazy. But as death comes to Mystic Falls yet again, it also brings some life back as well.
Let’s bitch it out…
I know this may not be the biggest story that needs to be discussed, but I just cannot handle the crazy that was Tessa (Janina Gavankar). And I thought she was nuts in previous episodes, with everything she did as a reaction to being cheated on, and how she hoped for two thousand years that Silas (Paul Wesley) would come be with her in the afterlife. Even after Silas proved to her in the present day that he does not want her and still wants Amara (Nina Dobrev), Tessa still wants to be with him. He tries to kill her, and she still ends her own life to be with him for eternity on the other side!! I cannot handle how that played out. Girl has lost her marbles, that’s for sure. But I’m confused as to who made it to the after life and who didn’t. So are the three of them going to be together forever on the other side? Or just Tessa? Since she’s the only one who passed through Bonnie? All the air time the other side has gotten this season and I’m still confused at the end of it all.
Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) should know better than anyone that being brought back from the dead comes with consequences. I mean, the only reason he can even see Bonnie (Kat Graham) while she’s been dead this whole time is because of the first time he was killed then Bonnie brought him back and as a consequence, he could see ghosts. So it stands to reason that obviously there would be a consequence for Bonnie as well. I didn’t know what it would be, but this makes total sense. There’s a reason Amara went completely crazy and couldn’t stand to be alive a moment longer. I mean, Silas had been stuck in a tomb for just as long as she had been, yet he stayed relatively normal and could go on living. But I guess when you have to feel the pain of the deaths of all the supernatural beings passing through you, that might drive you crazy after a century or two, let alone two thousand years.
What I don’t get is why Tessa seems so smug when she is telling Bonnie the news. They don’t have a past, do they? Or maybe Tessa just hates her because of some of the magic she was doing last season with bringing down the veil. Either way, crazy pants Tessa seems to really enjoy showing Bonnie the pain she will feel from here on out.
Poor Stefan (Paul Wesley). Can’t catch a break. The guy loses the love of his life to his brother, then spends three months dying over and over, then loses his memories, only to get them all back at once, and then have to listen to how happy said love of his life was during the time he was away dying. I can understand why he goes rogue and kills Silas. Elena shouldn’t be so blind to think that it would fix him, but I understand why he had to try.
With this Silas/Stefan story, Paul Wesley has really gotten an opportunity to show a lot more of his acting skills than just broody Stefan all the time. I have really enjoyed the different facets we’ve been able to see of him, so I’m actually looking forward to Stefan having more of a storyline than just pining away over Elena. As long as we don’t have to go back to the whole “turn off the humanity switch” thing again. I don’t think I can handle another go ’round with that, but anything else and I’m all for seeing what Wesley can handle.
Other Observations:
- Geez Elena, why don’t you rub it in? Telling Stefan how happy you were while he was drowning over and over again.. is that really necessary? Its just a reminder to the rest of us how Elena really doesn’t have any reason to be as whiny as she is. In a moment that is supposed to make the viewers sympathize with her guilt, it just served to remind this viewer why Elena is the least likeable of the dopplegangers.
- I’m assuming we aren’t done with the mother/daughter storyline, despite how things look at the end of the episode. This is too big a story to get only a gloss over the surface like it has had in the past few weeks. There is a wealth of potential tales to tell both from the past and the future so I’m guess we will be seeing Nadia (Olga Fonda) again.
So what did you think of this episode? What do you think of the deaths of Silas and Amara? What do you think is going to happen with Stefan? Will Bonnie be able to handle her new fate? Sound off below!
The Vampire Diaries airs on Tuesdays at 8pm EST on the CW.
I liked Elena in the start, but now she just got so annoying. But i have been wondering who she should be with (Stefan or Damon) ’cause when she became a vampire she got this bond with Damon and i don’t know if she’s in love with him or it’s just that weird bond vampire thing.
With Kathrine i think she’s eather getting help from Bonnie (or another witch) with the ageing problem, or she’s going to die.
I kinda wanna see more of whats going on Caroline and Elena’s college.