Homeland review – 2×09: ‘Two Hats’

Courtesy of Showtime

If the name and events of a single episode tells us anything, then ‘Two Hats’ suggests that Homeland wants us to be suspicious of everyone Let’s bitch it out…

Revenge review – 2×08: ‘Lineage’

Courtesy of ABC

Revenge does the time-warp again with another all-flashback episode – this time jumping back six years to 2006. Does the narrative upheaval pay-off? Let’s bitch it out…

The Walking Dead review – 3×07: ‘When the Dead Come Knocking’

Courtesy of AMC

The ‘muscle’ of the Grimes gang moves in on Woodbury this week in search of their own, while we get a revealing glimpse into what kind of operation The Governor (David Morrissey) is running. Let’s bitch it out…

Posted in The Walking Dead, TV, TV - On Air | Tagged AMC, Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, dallas roberts, Danai Gurira, , Lauren Cohan, Laurie Holden, Melissa McBride, Michael Rooker, Norman Reedus, , Scott Wilson, Steven Yeun | 2 Replies