Nashville review – 1×03 : “Someday You’ll Call My Name”

Courtesy of ABC

Financial problems, mommy issues and a LOT of sexual tension round out this week’s episode of Nashville. They address a few questions that were left out last week, and just build up more conflict as we go. I find myself frustrated through much of this episode, but mostly just because I want to punch Deacon (Charles Eston) for his betrayal again this week.  Let’s bitch it out…

 I have to start with the image that is currently seared in to my brain (and not in a good way): Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) and Deacon in bed together. I’m sorry, but he’s old enough to be her father and seeing them together so intimately like that just gives me the creeps.  He belongs with Rayna (Connie Britton)! Why do flirty young singers get to bed everyone’s husbands?

The revelation that Rayna’s mother was also torn between two men was a big reveal for me. And I’m ashamed to admit that my first thought is “See? Her mother was  married to one man while having an affair with another one for TEN years! Why can’t Rayna do that too??”  Again this week I’m struck with thoughts of families falling apart so I can see the sexual tension between Rayna and Deacon fully realized. There has got to be something wrong with that.

My favourite scene this week has to be Rayna and Deacon in the park. I loved everything about it… except the end.  It was a really nice moment with both of them being really honest to each other – and it obviously gave me hope! Until the end, when I felt like she just laid her heart out there and he just walked away. I get why he did it, and that he later turned down Juliette about the tour (yay!), but in that moment, I really wanted more from him. Its funny that I picked a scene as my favourite where I was left wanting more, but maybe that’s what I loved about it. It just felt really raw and real, and Rayna crying made me break down too. Deacon must be made of stone because he could have at least hugged her! But, I’m going to be honest again: one of the thoughts that ran through my head was “Please don’t let them have their romantic reunion right now – he JUST slept with Juliette. That’s just gross”. Enough said.

I actually really enjoyed Juliette this week (you know.. in all scenes that did not include her seducing Deacon). The scenes with her mother, played by Sylvia Jeffries, are really well done, and obviously there’s a whole lot of story there that will play out over the season. I’m a little tired of hearing her mom begging for money so I’m hoping they give her more to work with next week. However, I was left confused by the last scene. How on earth will it benefit Juliette to be seen stealing $2 nail polish when she has more money than she knows what to do with? She had to know those girls recognized her, so would have seen her stealing at the very least. I just can’t quite figure out how this is going to play out.

Courtesy of ABC

A few more observations:

  • I absolutely adored the Talent Show with Rayna’s two kids. They are amazing! But it does make me wonder if Maddie (Lennon Stella) got her musical talent from her guitar playing father (Deacon)? I feel like that’s going to be a season finale cliffhanger reveal. And frankly, I don’t want to wait that long!
  • I am so proud of Avery (Jonathan Jackson) for being so supportive of Scarlett (Clare Bowen) and Gunnar’s (Sam Palladio) musical partnership. Well, at least until he uses her stage fright to snag himself an introduction to Watty (JD Souther). He’s being more of a creep each week. At this point, I’m hoping Gunnar will swoop in and save the day. He’s much more likable. Plus he plays country music, as opposed to whatever that was that Avery played last week. That’s a win right there for Gunnar.
  • I’m not entirely convinced Eric Close is ready to play the big storylines they’re teasing for Teddy. The scandal of the financial issues will be a big one and I’m just not sure he was the right choice of actor. I hope he proves me wrong though.

What did you think of the episode viewers? Can somebody please explain to me why Juliette decided to steal at the end there? A cry for help? That’s about the best explanation I’ve got, and I’m afraid its pretty weak. Hit up the comments and help me out!

Nashville airs 10pm EST, Wednesdays on ABC.

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