Tag Archives: Scott Foley
Scandal review – 3×05: ‘More Cattle, Less Bull’
Scandal review – 3×03: ‘Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington’
Scandal review – 3×02: ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’

In the season’s second offering of Scandal, we find out about Olivia (Kerry Washington) and her dad’s past, Jeanine the White House aide (Samantha Sloyan) continues to get screwed, and a mysterious man shows up outside of Liv’s door! Let’s bitch it Continue reading
True Blood review – 5×09: ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’

Boy…is that ever a long episode of True Blood? Oh sure, the run time is no longer than usual, but it sure feels long. Thankfully several of the series’ more frustrating stories are wrapped up, which means the remaining S5 Continue reading
True Blood review – 5×05: ‘Let’s Boot N’Rally’

True Blood hits saturation point as the number of stories outweighs its ability to do them all justice. So who suffers the most? Let’s bitch it out…