Almost Human review – 1×04: ‘The Bends’

Rudy (Mackenzie Brooks) finally gets in on the action in 'The Bends'

There must be some kind of clause that in every future-set television show, at least one episode will explore some kind of dangerously-addictive drug. For Almost Human that’s this week’s episode, ‘The Bends’. Let’s bitch it out…

Almost Human review – 1×02: ‘Skin’

Rudy (X) reconstructs a sex bot in 'Skin'

It’s the second night of FOX’s series debut of Almost Human. After delivering solid premiere numbers, the sci-fi cop drama settles in with a case-of-the-week designed to flesh out the world of the show (sorry, couldn’t help myself). Let’s bitch it Continue reading

Game Of Thrones review – 3×07: ‘The Bear And The Maiden Fair’

Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) pays a heavy price for standing up for her beliefs in 'The Bear And The Maiden Fair'

Welcome back to Game Of Thrones, where life is not just a game that people play on your behalf, but also a buyer’s market. This week: everyone is buying and selling sex. Let’s bitch it out…