Nashville review – 1×21: ‘I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive’


Wow. Just wow. Now that is what I’ve been waiting for from Nashville. As the show’s first season comes to a close, I’ve never been more anxious for the next episode…. too bad I have a few months to wait! Let’s bitch it Continue reading

Nashville review – 1×17 : ‘My Heart Would Know’

Even in the hospital, she still looks perfect. How does this woman do it

While Rayna (Connie Britton) is finally coming to terms with her father Lamar (Powers Boothe), Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) is acting like a spoiled brat and alienating everyone around her. Some things never change. Let’s bitch it out…

Nashville review – 1×14 : ‘Dear Brother’


Two couples finally grow closer as we play ‘spot the celebrity’ at Deacon’s (Charles Esten) birthday party. Let’s bitch it out…

Nashville review – 1×13 : ‘There’ll Be No Teardrops Tonight’

For an episode that airs on the eve of Valentine’s Day, there certainly isn’t a lot of love in the air on Nashville.  Let’s bitch it out…

Nashville review – 1×10: ‘I’m Sorry For You, My Friend’

Did anyone else LOVE the name of their tour Red Lips and White Lies Amazing

A not-so-surprising end to the mayoral race and not enough Rayna (Connie Britton) and Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) cattiness makes for an alright installment of Nashville this week. Let’s bitch it out…

Nashville review – 1×08 : ‘Where He Leads Me’

Courtesy of ABC

First, let me just pick my jaw up off the ground. Once I’ve recovered, then I will attempt to comment on tonight’s episode. In one word: fantastic. Teddy (Eric Close) finally has to come clean, Gunnar (Sam Palladio) finally makes Continue reading

Nashville review – 1×05: ‘Move It On Over’

Courtesy of ABC

Finally! This week is the week where we finally get some answers about Teddy (Eric Close) and Charles Esten really comes in to his own as Deacon. We have quite the episode to discuss! Let’s bitch it out…

Nashville review – 1×04: “We Live In Two Different Worlds”

Courtesy of ABC

Tonight’s episode provides us with some answers (albeit disappointing ones), but oh so many more end up being raised. We also get put on an emotional roller coaster of secrets and lies. Most importantly, however, we get a delicious scene Continue reading