American Horror Story: Coven review – 3×04: ‘Fearful Pranks Ensue’

The Council arrives to investigate a disappearance in AHS 3x04

We’ve reached part one of American Horror Story: Coven‘s two part Halloween double shot. Considering the madcap shenanigans on this show, however, it’s unclear how we’re meant to distinguish this pumpkin outing from any other episode. Let’s bitch it out…

Elementary review: 1×18 – ‘Déjà Vu All Over Again’

Courtesy of CBS

It’s definitely a case of déjà vu this week on Elementary – it’s a veritable The Wire reunion! Do the stellar guest stars (Pryzbylewski! Bubbles! Burners!) inject some intrigue into the case-of-the-week episode? Let’s bitch it out.