Game Of Thrones review – 3×10: ‘Mhysa’

The sad fate of the young wolf is revealed in the opening scene of 'Mhysa'

Have you recovered from the Red Wedding yet? Hopefully you’re ready to return to Westeros because it’s time to wrap up the third season with a supersized episode intended to set-up season four. Let’s bitch it out…

Game Of Thrones review – 3×08: ‘Second Sons’


Ladies: give it up for the men. Game Of Thrones presents a strangely traditional representation of gender roles as the men woo the women in an episode dedicated principally to three storylines. Let’s bitch it out…

Game Of Thrones review – 3×07: ‘The Bear And The Maiden Fair’

Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) pays a heavy price for standing up for her beliefs in 'The Bear And The Maiden Fair'

Welcome back to Game Of Thrones, where life is not just a game that people play on your behalf, but also a buyer’s market. This week: everyone is buying and selling sex. Let’s bitch it out…