Awkward. review – 3×09: ‘Reality Check’

Becca (x) faces off against Ming (Jessika Lu) in Awkward. 3x09

Is it possible to find the silver lining in an episode that makes you go “ugh” for 21 minutes? Judging from my reaction to Jenna’s (Ashley Rickards) crush on Collin (Nolan Funk) in ‘Reality Check’, the answer is yes. Let’s Continue reading

Awkward. review – 3×03: ‘A Little Less Conversation’


Awkward. continues its season three creative resurgence by returning back to basics: exploring the delicate politics of relationships. The key difference here is that nearly every character is given something to do (even Jessica Lu’s Ming!) Let’s bitch it out…

Awkward. review – 2×09: ‘Homewrecker Hamilton’

Courtesy of MTV

The truth about all things love triangle is out for public consumption and the sh*t has more than definitely hit the fan. Unfortunately for Jenna Hamilton (Ashley Rickards) things have gone from bad to worse. Let’s bitch it out…

Awkward. review – 2×02: ‘Sex, Lies And The Sanctuary’

Courtesy of MTV

Week two of Awkward. finds everyone in a panic as news that a tape of the Sanctuary, the “petri dish” hang-out for drugs and fornication at the school, is about to go public. And now everyone’s secrets are about to Continue reading