Almost Human review – 1×04: ‘The Bends’

Rudy (Mackenzie Brooks) finally gets in on the action in 'The Bends'

There must be some kind of clause that in every future-set television show, at least one episode will explore some kind of dangerously-addictive drug. For Almost Human that’s this week’s episode, ‘The Bends’. Let’s bitch it out…

Sleepy Hollow review – 1×09: ‘Sanctuary’

Crane and Abbie rescue Lena from the Tree Monster

The “haunted house episode” is a compulsory storyline for every sci fi TV show, and Sanctuary is Sleepy Hollow’s. It’s executed perfectly.  After an initial eye roll at the, for lack of an official name, Tree Monster, there are lots Continue reading

Almost Human review – 1×02: ‘Skin’

Rudy (X) reconstructs a sex bot in 'Skin'

It’s the second night of FOX’s series debut of Almost Human. After delivering solid premiere numbers, the sci-fi cop drama settles in with a case-of-the-week designed to flesh out the world of the show (sorry, couldn’t help myself). Let’s bitch it Continue reading

Sleepy Hollow review – 1×04: ‘The Lesser Key Of Solomon’

Sleepy Hollow 1.4

In The Lesser Key of Solomon, the Mills sisters get back together, learn the name of the demon that’s been plaguing them all these years, and get a history lesson about what really happened at the Boston Tea Party. Let’s Continue reading