Quick Take review – Homeland 3×12: ‘The Star’

Carrie (Claire Danes) finally tells Brody (Damian Lewis) about their unborn daughter in the Homeland season 3 finale

The third season finale brings Carrie (Claire Danes) and Brody’s (Damian Lewis) journey to a close and leave the series open to reinvention when it return for its fourth season. Let’s bitch it out…

Quick Take review – Homeland 3×08: ‘A Red Wheelbarrow’

Episode 308

It’s been a while since we last checked in officially on Homeland, so it’s time to see how the story is unfolding and whether Dana (Morgan Saylor) has been eaten by a cougar. Let’s bitch it out…

Quick Take review – Homeland 3×01: ‘Tin Man Is Down’

Saul (Mandy Patinkin) throws Carrie (Claire Danes) under in the bus in 'Tin Man Is Down'

We watch a lot of TV – some of it good and some of it…not so good. For the 2013 pilot season, we’re checking out a few series we won’t be writing on regularly, but may check back on throughout Continue reading

The ‘Bitch Awards’ – Best/Worst Television Shows of 2012 (#1)

Bitch Awards #1 - TV

Holy motors we’ve arrived at the top! After five grueling days of deconstructing the best and worst that the 2012 television season had to offer, TVAngie and cinephilactic are ready to announce the winners (and losers). Will your choices make Continue reading

Homeland review – 2×12: ‘The Choice’

Courtesy of Showtime

There have been good times and there have been bad times this season on Homeland, but it all comes down to this: how does the second season end? Let’s bitch it out…

Watch With Us: Holiday Preview

The end of the year is upon us, which means that it’s time to figure out what your holiday schedule looks like. December is a month of season finales, mid-season finales, a single premiere and the second annual Bitch Awards, Continue reading