
We’ve stolen the remote and we’re taking over the web to talk television. We watch TV – a lot of it. Every week we review our favourite shows using our signature blend of criticism, astute observations and occasional bitchiness.

Get ready for some fresh content and meaty conversations as we navigate the world of network and cable television. Visit often as we sometimes expand our horizons to include thoughts on other pop culture texts such as movies, books and music (videos).

So who the heck are we? Co-founders Cinephilactic and TVAngie are the managing editors who started the blog after emailing each other back and forth about our favourite television shows.  Joined by our regular contributors, our goal is to bring back the proverbial water cooler and get people talking.

Love us? Hate us? Don’t be afraid to join the conversation – take back the remote and let us know what you think by leaving a comment or two. Got something else to say? Want to join us as a contributor?  Drop us a line at 

2 thoughts on “About

  1. You guys should write about “The Carries diares” and “Revolution” :)

    • We used to cover Revolution but there was too much good content on Wednesdays to keep up the hate-watching. It simply couldn’t deliver on its high concept premise…


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