Quick Take review – Continuum 3×05: ‘Minutes To Air’


After Inspector Dillon’s (Brian Markinson) daughter is arrested, he stops by Firing Point to clear the air. Unfortunately so does Liber8, who take the station hostage. Let’s bitch it out…

Posted in Continuum, TV, TV - Quick Take | Tagged Brian Markinson, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Erik Knudsen, Jennifer Spence, Laci J Mailey, Luvia Petersen, Michelle Harrison, Omari Newton, Rachael Crawford, Rachel Nichols, Roger Cross, , Stephen Lobo, Syfy, Victor Webster | Leave a reply

Watch With Us: May 2014

May 2014

May is a magical time in TV-land. Will you spend it with us as we cover a bunch of finales and debuts? Let’s bitch it out…