Quick Take review – Bitten 1×07: ‘Stalking’

Courtesy of SPACE / Syfy

Bitten serves up its worst episode yet with an hour of stale developments and non-developments.

Let’s bitch it out…To suggest that ‘Stalking’ is a disappointment is an understatement. It feels like a complete filler episode: an hour that does virtually nothing to advance the plot, offers character development for individuals we don’t care about and recreates entire scenes wholesale (to no benefit).

The big “development” is another Pack death. In the grand tradition of characters talking about the future and then immediately dying, Antonio (Paulino Nunes) croaks after a roadside attack set up by Santos (Michael Luckett) and executed by Cain (Noah Danby). I wish that I could say that Antonio’s death carries a certain gravitas, but unfortunately it’s the equivalent of a narrative meh. Part of the problem is that Bitten has traded in stereotypes for much of its run and this latest development is par for the course. As soon as Antonio suggests that Nick (Steve Lund) will one day inherit his role as Pack “fixer” it’s clear that Antonio isn’t long for this world.

Antonio’s death serves two purposes:1)  it’s a catalyst to anchor Elena (Laura Vandervoort) in Bear Valley and keep her working with Clay (Greyston Holt) and 2) escalate the conflict with the mutts. In this way, the death does what it needs to, but I can’t help but feel that it is such an obvious development that it makes Bitten feel tired and stale.

Other Observations:

  • Just like last week, two prominent subplots – Logan’s (Michael Xavier) baby drama and Philip’s (Paul Greene) wolf video hunt – are serious distractions. No one cares about either story line, but ‘Stalking’ spends a significant amount of time between the time as though we do. This is a mistake.
  • Soooo Cain’s murderous girlfriend Amber (Eve Harlow) – is she an interloper from FOX’s The Following? Why do we care about this murderous human or her aspiration to become Cain’s werewolf queen? Unless he bites her and she dies – thereby reinforcing how rare Elena is – I don’t know why we’re spending time with her.
  • Jeremy (Greg Bryd) provides the cliffhanger as he passes out from wounds suffered on the roadside attack.
  • Finally, if I have to sit through one more conversation involving Logan or Elena leaving home or staying at Stonehaven, I may actually scream. It’s the same week after freaking week. The writers need to move away from the books and establish a compelling reason to move forward from this endless cycle of coming and going from Stonehaven.

What are your thoughts: is Bitten wasting our time with this episode? Are you sad to see Antonio go? Do you think Jeremy will survive (if you have to guess, I’m concerned)? Does anyone care about Logan or Philip’s story lines? Sound off below.

Bitten airs Saturdays at 9pm EST on SPACE in Canada & Mondays at 8pm EST on Syfy in the US

This entry was posted in Bitten, TV, TV - Quick Take and tagged Eve Harlow, Greg Bryk, Greyston Holt, Laura Vandervoort, Michael Luckett, Michael Xavier, Noah Danby, Paul Greene, Paulino Nunes, SPACE, Steve Lund, Syfy by cinephilactic. Bookmark the permalink.

About cinephilactic

cinephilactic is a university contract instructor in Film Studies. He is an avid TV watcher, particularly science-fiction, fantasy and drama series. His favourite shows currently airing on TV include The Good Wife, Breaking Bad, Justified, Hannibal, Game Of Thrones and a smattering of shows on The CW. He has a tendency to "hate-watch" particular shows and likes to think that his sarcastic voice comes through in his reviews, though sometimes he's just being bitchy

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