Revenge review – 3×13: ‘Hatred’

Emily (Emily VanCamp) calls in reinforcements to get Sara (Annabelle X) away from husband Daniel (Josh Bowman)

Daniel (Josh Bowman) is stepping out on his faux-marriage and Emily (Emily VanCamp) is having none of it. You know what this means: it’s an all out husband vs wife war! Let’s bitch it out…

Quick Take review – The Following 2×01: ‘Resurrection’

We like crime dramas. We like serial killers (on TV). We like Bacon (both the six degrees of and the breakfast meat). So why don’t we love The Following? Let’s bitch it out…

Posted in The Following, TV | Tagged Camille De Pazzis, Connie Nielsen, , James Purefoy, Jessica Stroup, Kevin Bacon, Natalie Zea, Sam Underwood, , Shawn Ashmore, Valerie Cruz, Valorie Curry | Leave a reply