Sleepy Hollow review – 1×09: ‘Sanctuary’

Crane and Abbie rescue Lena from the Tree Monster

The “haunted house episode” is a compulsory storyline for every sci fi TV show, and Sanctuary is Sleepy Hollow’s. It’s executed perfectly.  After an initial eye roll at the, for lack of an official name, Tree Monster, there are lots Continue reading

Quick Take review – The Blacklist 1×09: ‘Anslo Garrick, Part 1′

Lizzie (Megan Boone) does her best John McCain in The Blacklist 1x09

After taking a week off for reality TV singing competitions , NBC’s saviour of Fall 2013 returns with the first of a special two part event. We’re counting down the pros and cons of ‘Anslo Garrick, Part 1′. Let’s bitch it Continue reading