Courtesy of FOX
What a great twist! Turns out the Headless Horseman is Crane’s (Tom Mison) one time best friend – and Katrina’s (Katia Winter) ex-fiancé – Abraham Van Brunt (Neil Jackson).
Let’s bitch it out…‘Necromancer’ is a pivotal episode in the series as it sets up the backstory for how the Headless Horseman came to be and why Katrina is stuck in purgatory, all while tapping into the original story’s mythology. After being skeptical of him at the beginning of the series, I’m also loving the development of Orlando Jones’ Captain Irving as an integral member of the team. But most importantly, I love that Crane now knows how to fist bump!
The episode opens where we left off, with the Horseman captured. He cannot be destroyed, but is trapped with a hex and subdued with UV light. Unfortunately, a myriad of evil creatures are on the case trying to free him. Before anything too sinister happens, Crane decides to question the Horseman. But with the lack of, you know, a head, they need a conduit. Enter Andy Brooks (John Cho), who is revealed to be a necromancer (Sidenote: you know this is going to backfire horribly. I mean Brooks even says it’s a terrible idea since the Horseman can control him. Sometimes you have to listen to your demon minion friends…).
Before the Horseman’s inevitable escape (because, come on), we discover that Katrina was previously engaged to Crane’s best friend Abraham. In what under different circumstances would be a great set up for a rom-com, during Katrina’s engagement to Abraham it comes to light that he doesn’t really know his fiancé, and that Crane is her confidant…and true soul mate. Abraham discovers why Katrina breaks off the engagement right before the Hessians capture him and Muloch engages him to do his dark bidding (the process to turn Abraham into the Horseman is merely a shave, a tattoo and some opaque contacts!) In return for his service, Abraham will receive what he wants most: Katrina…eventually.
Back in the present, Captain Irving (Orlando Jones) and Jennie (Lyndie Greenwood) become our new back-up duo. They unsuccessfully try to prevent the Hessians from blowing up the power grid and stealing some hex-breaking artifact (I tuned out on the specifics), which eventually allows the Horseman to bust loose and escape with Andy in tow. As I mentioned, I love that Captain Irving is now firmly a member of the group and it looks like Jennie is, too. The two of them together have a nice dynamic (and matching black attire), so I look forward to seeing them work together more.

Courtesy of FOX
Other Observations:
- Brooks tells the Horseman to spare Crane per “the master’s orders” meaning Moloch wants Crane alive. Interesting.
- It’s super handy that the Freemasons had a medieval interrogation room ready to go in the tunnels. They planned for everything!
- Jennie’s “Freelance Acquisitions” is best shady job title ever.
- Why did Crane think that telling Abraham about his love for Katrina during the “Mission of the Century” was appropriate? Worst. Timing. Ever. That can wait, dude. And then he asks Abraham for his blessing? Oh, Crane.
- While there are the obvious “Crane doesn’t belong here” references, I love the subtle offhand comments. Like when Crane yells at Nicole Beharie’s Abbie for using acronyms he doesn’t understand.
Best Lines:
- Abbie (to Crane, about Katrina): “She dumped her fiancé for you? Wow, you had some game.” Crane: “I neither wanted, nor did I invite game.”
- Abbie (to Captain Irving, re: Brooks’ “death”): “Rules on that status have gotten a little bendy”
Your turn: what did you think of the twists about the Horseman’s past? Were you surprised that Moloch wants Crane left alive? Happy that Jennie and Irving have officially joined the team? And how the heck are they going to rescue Katrina from wherever she is? Speculate away below!
Sleepy Hollow airs Mondays at 9pm EST on Fox