The Crazy Ones review – 1×03: ‘Bad Dad’


This week on The Crazy Ones we relive some childhood memories courtesy of Sidney (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Simon (Robin Williams). Of course there’s nothing like nostalgia to sweeten those traumatic moments. Meanwhile, in the office we learn that Andrew (Hamish Continue reading

Scandal review – 3×02: ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’

scandal 3.2.1

In the season’s second offering of Scandal, we find out about Olivia (Kerry Washington) and her dad’s past, Jeanine the White House aide (Samantha Sloyan) continues to get screwed, and a mysterious man shows up outside of Liv’s door! Let’s bitch it Continue reading

The Vampire Diaries review – 5×02: ‘True Lies’

True Lies

Even though it is seriously lacking in suspense, the second episode of The Vampire Diaries seems to be finding its groove and get this fifth season off to a pretty steady start. Let’s bitch it out..